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Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

From India - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer - meet Prameet Kotak

Publicerad: 14/10, 2019

A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

The journey till today .. what made him invest in the life he is practicing?

I was certified yoga teacher in the year 1996, but didn’t use it much till i came back from the journey to the mountains…..here is the story

It was during my Law college days that I was soccer training, and my lifestyle was not the healthiest, and that made me have shin splits on both my legs, which made me unavailable for my College soccer team, It was a big blow to me, as I had invested a lot of time and effort to enhance my performance by employing a personal trainer, a sports physio to assist me in minimising my risk of injury. But unfortunately the single dimension approach failed to assist me, as the focus on holistic living was missing.
This caused me a lot of introspection both in my personal life and professional life, on what i am doing what I am doing, and whats my purpose.
I spoke to my parents and asked them to sponsor my trip to the mountains so I could meet with the Buddhists in Dharamsala and maybe find some answers.
As I was preparing my trip my sister gifted me Reiki course, so I enrolled in it, because I was in need, and didn’t really believe in it or the method. After my Reiki course, I was a t a friends house and she had a plant that was nearly dead, so each time over the next 3 days, I visited her I would give it some Reiki, on the fourth day she called me shared with me that the Tree is actually blooming again…and that was it with belief in my heart and a spirit motivated on finding my answers, I left for the mountains all alone with backpack and the book called ‘The Alchemist’…..what happened during the journey was a mix of magic, surprises, entertainment, and self belief that energy transfer exists and I want to use this method to enhance my being and assist others to find it too,… so they may be healthy and then happy.

Tell about the time as a yoga teacher in India

I was in 10th Grade and was extremely stressed about my exams, and was having sleep issues, so took up Yoga, happy with the results I decided to enrolled in Yoga certification. I completed my Yoga training in an Ashram in India in 1996, and it was the toughest experience of my life, why I did it and how I managed through it, was desperation to understand my health and how I could enhance it. From living in comfort and luxury to sleeping on the floor in a shared dormitory, bucket bath with cold water and yoga session at 6 am ( wake up 4 am) it was hard, and at that time I was so inflexible that I could not touch my knees, but after 6 weeks I was touching my head to my knees - magical and not possible scientifically!
So i was very excited with myself and Yoga as a whole, Yoga says that an inflexible body means an inflexible mind, so by that definition the battles I was having with my mind as a teenager should begin to be sorted but I was at the beginning of a memorable journey, a Journey of an overhaul of who I am and what I was about. I followed Yoga till I went to Law college, but the peer pressure moved me from Yoga to a more ‘Social life’, who would be the catalyst for my change towards the mountains.

My real Yoga teacher journey started when I got back from the Mountains with a clear decision that I wanted to work as a performance enhancement professional. This prompted me to enrolled in a Personal training course and a basic massage course.

Tell about the UN goal and global challenge.

Good health and wellbeing is a topic very close to my spirit, as I have been passionate about happiness and health and empowering individuals with tools to enhance their beings with healthier lifestyles which would prompt them to be happier, thereby creating a contagious wave of good health and wellbeing….I firmly believe that every individual i assist in being healthy and Happiness is a very important core value for healing the world and making ti a better place… a healer being is less destructive and less selfish. Thus making them shepherds of evolution.

If he could give three life advice - who would he give?

Eat well - move well - sleep well

Three simple principles in life, without the complications of how many calories, how many steps, how many hours of sleep.

The idea is to simplify life and create a safe space to live in, so one is not living on tenterhooks of a wrong desert you may have eaten, a few less steps, you mace have taken it the few extra hours of sleep, you may have got...
I am not saying that we don’t need to improve our lifestyles, of course we have to, in fact we have to improve it drastically, we eat way too much, we sleep way too much and we move way too little, to add.
To that we over think, over complicate what to do and what not to do, listen to too many advices and not listen to what our own bodies need and want, bodies I.e body, brain, mind and all that constitutes everything including our environment
And this probably is the biggest life advice I could give, understand who you are so you know what it means to be well... truly understand by looking within, find a good teacher or teachers and understand your constitution, understand the practice that works for you , take time to understand, don’t understand for your ego, understand so you can take steps to create an enhanced you.

For example if you have a predisposition to a gene, and that gives you an issue with bread, don’t eat it! Why complicate it! We are different beings, we have different constitutions, so foods effect us differently, so if something does not suit you because of hereditary reasons, don’t indulge in it! Ok if you want to find a solution to it, you can maybe overcome the genetic disability, but that will take you time, correct trial and error, not based on a hitch or advice from the Internet.
I consulted an Ayurvedic Dr to assist my evolution and went internally into meditation to change my constitution

Prameet Kotak
Anna Idell

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Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

Prameet Kotak - A Life coach, Yoga teacher, Personal trainer, remedial Massage therapist, Reiki and Spiritual healing Master.

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